How Mormonism Damanges People, Marriages, and Families

Using shame, guilt, hypocricy, and selective-acceptance, the Mormon Church disempoweres people, and damages marriages and families.

Disempowered People, Toxic Perfectionism, Judgmentalism, Conditional Love, Self-Loathing, Misery Worship,
False Life-skills, Christ-brokered Interpersonal Relations ...

  1. People are conditioned in the church that they cannot say No to church authority- Dallin H. Oaks said: "Just as service in the Church is not sought, it is not turned down." Oaks gave a talk on this principle in General Conference, called "I'll go where you want me to go." Another time, in the October 2002 General Conference, he said, "I often hear about members who refuse Church callings or accept callings and fail to fulfill their responsibilities. Some are not committed and faithful. It has always been so. But this is not without consequence . . . My brothers and sisters, if you are delinquent in commitment, please consider who it is you are refusing or neglecting to serve when you decline a calling or when you accept, promise, and fail to fulfill.”  Boyd K. Packer said, in an October 1997 General Conference, "While we do not ask to be released from a calling, if our circumstances change it is quite in order for us to counsel with those who have issued the call and then let the decision rest with them."  Religious shame is applied to any saints who say "No" to priesthood authority. More here.
  2. The church extracts time from peoples lives, unconditionally- Church members are expected to give about 23 hours a week to the Mormon church, in return for a clear conscience.
  3. The church re-defines love as conditional. Rullell M. Nelson wrote, "While divine love can be called perfect, infinite, enduring, and universal, it cannot correctly be defined as unconditional".  In other words, God loves you so long as you obey the Mormon church's commandments.  This attitude permeates into marriages and families and conditional love redefinds the relationships of church members.  Church editors have been instructed to not use the term "unconditional love."  More here.
  4. The church re-defines self-worth as conditional, instead of unconditional. Closely related to conditional/unconditional love, people with unconditional self-worth join the church and are transformed into people with conditional self-worth...conditioned upon your level of obedience.
  5. The chuch teaches people they should not make their own decisions, but to trust God, or them, to make decisions in life. The church, like similiar organizations, reinforces you cannot make good decisions by yourself, you should consult church leaders and God.  The constant pressure erodes self-confidence and breeds codependency upon the religion.
  6. The church conditions members that if they follow their church leaders, other areas of their lives will magically work out. Some people call this the prosperity doctrine.  You will get rich because of your righteousness.  The problem with this teaching is people start to superstitiously believe their career will improve with more temple attendance, instead of applying more appropriate life skills. This is a triggering mechanism between many husbands and wives in the Mormon church.  One spouse blames the other's lack of career growth and corresponding income on not being righteous enough.
  7. The church teaches people they should be spending their time getting closer to Jesus Christ, instead of getting closer to their families and the people around them. Perhaps one of the most damanging teachings in mormon doctrine, people are taught their goal in life is to become more like Jesus.  The problem with this is they neglect relationships all around them in persuit of church interests.  Marriage relationships suffer in favor of church obligations.  Children get neglected. Misbehaving family members in need of help get marginalized because they are considered toxic.

What if Jesus interviewed people the same way a Mormon Bishop does?

Does Toxic Perfectionism come from Satan, or from Spencer W. Kimball?